IC410 / NGC 1893 or the Tadpoles nebula is a cosmic collection of dust hurling through space and it looks like two tadpoles swimming! Can you see it?
Total Integration time: 16 hours 40 mins
Moon coverage: 25%
Location: Northern Hemisphere
Bortle: 4
This nebula is actually combined data from two different focal lengths of telescope, one at 1000mm and one at 750mm with the addition of the Starizona .75 reducer attached to the ZWO 533MMPro astronomy camera.
The Tadploes nebula taken from my back garden.
The Tadpoles nebula is located 12,000 lightyears from Earth in the Auriga constellation, and is nicknamed the Tadpole Nebula because of the tadpole-shaped ionised interstellar clouds of dust that appear to be swimming towards the centre of the nebula. The Tadpole Nebula is a region of ionised hydrogen gas spanning over 100 lightyears across that's carved and sculpted by streams of charged particles called stellar winds emanating from open star cluster NGC 1893.
These pillars of dust and gas are huge! Really huge. They are estimated to be at least 10 light years in length; a light year being 9.4 trillion kilometers in disance. It would take 730 million earths laid side-by-side to span this distance.
I am pretty sure that anytime amateur astronomers and astrophotographers look at this stuff it blows their minds, it certainly does me!