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Designed and created by
an amateur astronomer and amateur astrophotographer, for astronomers and astrophotographers, no matter what stage of your cosmic adventure.

Picastro is a dedicated, beautifully simple, easy-to-use, mobile image-sharing platform for showing and sharing your captured photons; from Lunar to DSO, ISS transit or comets; whether you're a beginner or seasoned expert, Picastro is redefining astronomy and astrophotography image sharing.


Rosette nebula data (NGC 2244) shown here, was captured by the founder of Picastro – amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, Tom McCrorie

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Share your astronomy and astrophotography data, with absolutely no 'trending' reels or the worry of people stealing your images!


Every bit of data gathered by you from your telescope is a work of art, and should be shared without being hidden behind other social media 'stuff' you really don't want to see!


Picastro empowers you to do that and all in the original format you captured it in. Yup, no more compression hiding those amazing processed images!


NO ads, NO bots, NO Spam, NO fake accounts, NO algorithm and no 'Trending' Reels either! Just us sharing processed astronomical data with the right people; a place where we can all thrive and lift each other up! Oh, weve made it super secure, so no one can steak your image data and pretend it belongs to them!

The devil is in the detail

We love to share our amazing data with everyone in the community, but sometimes all you want to see is a stunning image and some basic astronomy details first. Welcome to StarCard©!


Click further in to StarCard©, and you get all the amazing details you will ever need. Perfect for those starting out and those seasoned at their craft.

The mobile platform will enable you to securely upload RAW unprocessed image data in either FITS or TIFF format, to share with other people just starting out: if you want to share it of course!


Oh, don't worry, you'll be able to track who downloads it!


Share your image data
with no 

We spend hours, sometimes days capturing ancient photons, and all we want to do is share those super detailed images with everyone who really cares about seeing them. Compression on existing social media simply kills our images. Picastro will NOT compress the images, so we all get to see your stunningly detailed images, the way you intended!


Find saved objects faster and more intuitively.

With Picastro it is all about community and togetherness. Find your saved objects in a super intuitive way. Saving by object type makes finding saved astronomical objects from your feed easier than typical social media feeds. No more hunting to find your saved work.

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Notifications - easy

Never lose notifications or messages you haven't read! All you want to do is find who sent you that last message and who is admiring your stuff.


Welcome to Notification Centre!

Finished reading, swipe away to reveal the next message or long press to delete all notifications. Easy!

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We are all in this together. Welcome to StarCamp©

With Picastro it is all about community and togetherness. We all love this hobby and we want to share it with people we care about and learn from. StarCamp© enables you to to organise your astro-friends into groups, based on experience, skill, equipment or just group friends however you like!


Hear from Picastro supporters

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”I really wish there was a 'Thank Tom' button on this platform, what he is doing for the community is priceless. Thank you, Tom.”

Mik, USA

Amateur Astrophotographer and Lawyer

Thanks so much for subscribing to the waiting list!

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